Jumat, 17 Februari 2012


A. multiple-choice Test
Instruction: choose the best answer.
1.        The following are graphic processing applications, EXCEPT:
a.    Paint
b.    Photoshop
c.     CorelDraw
d.    Power Point

2.        The display of the basic elements of Corel Draw is a Welcome Screen window which contains the following icons, EXCEPT:
a.         New
b.         Open
c.         New From Template
d.        What’s New?
3.        The                       icon in the Welcome Screen  menu symbolizes …
a.    New
b.    New From Template
c.     Corel TUTOR
d.    Corel Navigation

4.        To know the files which are opened recently, you can use …
a.    New
b.    New From Template
c.    What’s New?
d.   Recently Used

5.        The quick way to save a file is
a.    Ctrl+N
b.    Ctrl+S
c.    Ctrl+P
d.   Ctrl+X

6.        The following is a list of sub menus in the … menu.
b.         File
c.         Edit
d.        Effect
e.         Tool Box

7.    The                           icon has the following sub icons


8.    Property Bar below includes …

  1. No Selection
  2. Zoom Tool
  3. Free Hand Tool
  4. Smart Fill Tool

9.        The commands to manage objects are included in the … menu.
a.        Edit
b.        View
c.         Layout
d.        Arrange

10.     To change the shape of an object, such as bending the curve line, dragging and deleting edit nodes, etc., use …
a.        Pick Tool
b.        Shape Ttool
c.         Free Transform Tool
d.        Interactive Blend Tool

11.    The commands to set the display of a worksheet are located in …
a.         Menu Bar
b.         Standard Toolbar
c.         Tool Box
d.        Property Bar

12.    The combination of Ctrl +Shift+ Z keys are used to …
a.         go back to the previous condition.
b.         go back to the subsequent condition.
c.         go back to the previous page.
d.        go back to the new page.

13.    To enlarge an object, put the mouse on a node and drag it …
  1. upward
  2. downward
  3. outward
  4. inward

14.    Before printing a graphic design, it is better to preview the result to make sure the result is good. It is done by using ….
  1. Print Screen
  2. Print Preview
  3. Show Page
  4. Show Screen

15.    The following is the result of printing, EXCEPT:
  1. Hard Copy
  2. Soft Copy
  3. Hard File
  4. Soft File

Berikut adalah hasil dari cetak, KECUALI: 

B. Essay Test
1.    Mention methods to use menus and icons in Menu Bar by using the functions of the mouse and the keyboard.
a.    Using the Mouse, the steps are:
1)        ...........................................................................
2)        ...........................................................................
3)        ...........................................................................
4)        ...........................................................................
5)        ...........................................................................

b. Using the keyboard functions
1)   Using the ALT key, the steps are:
a)   ........................................................................................................................
b)   ........................................................................................................................
c)    ........................................................................................................................
d)   ........................................................................................................................
e)    ................................................................................................................................

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